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Top 3 Benefits of Becoming ASTPP VoIP Termination Partner

  • April 2, 2019

ASTPP is one of the most popular open source solutions. Also, it is one of the top 3 VoIP billing solutions. It has been catering to thousands of community members to cater their own business as well as their customers with the advanced billing features. Furthermore, the most active community of this open source VoIP billing solution keeps on brining innovative features and functionalities for its users. If we talk about the numbers, at the moment, there are more than 10,000 businesses which use ASTPP to run their businesses as a VoIP service provider and a communication service provider. Moreover, every month 250 new users get added to this list. In a nutshell, ASTPP is one of the most popular VoIP solutions and it has a wide user base which is growing like anything with every passing day.

ASTPP has been helping businesses and community users in one way or another and one of as such ways of helping the community and businesses is its premium VoIP Termination Partner program. Here, the VoIP termination business owner can become partner of ASTPP: Open Source FreeSWITCH Billing Software by paying a nominal subscription fee, which would be used in research and development operations of this powerful VoIP billing software. There are many reasons to be partner of ASTPP some of them are listed below:

Get business exposure

As you already know, ASTPP has a really big community. Furthermore, there are thousands of businesses that use ASTPP to provide the VoIP services to their customers and transform their billing process to an automated and efficient one. Once you sign up for the premium partnership program of ASTPP, your business will be exposed in front of the community and its users with the news release and other types of digital promotions. Moreover, your business details will be listed on the ASTPP website and some other places which will promote your business now and then.

Increase business

A majority of ASTPP users has been providing different types of VoIP services. As you can assume, many of them always seek for reliable and affordable VoIP termination services. Becoming a VoIP Termination Partner of ASTPP will expose your business in front of these potential buyers. This will increase chances of getting more leads. As per existing VoIP termination partners of ASTPP, they have received 57% or more increase in their business after becoming its partner.

Contribute in development of ASTPP

ASTPP is one of the most powerful FreeSWITCH billing software and to keep its position intact, it needs constant research and development. As it is an open source solution, the only way to collect funds for its development is via various premium services. The ASTPP VoIP Termination Partnership is one the premium ASTPP services. It means by becoming partner of ASTPP, you can contribute in the development of this open source VoIP billing solution. This will help you and many other businesses which use ASTPP billing solution for their business.

There are many other benefits of becoming VoIP Termination partner of ASTPP. Contact us to know more about it.